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(860) 649-8066


Tax bills are due July 1, 2024 and must be paid by or postmarked by Thursday, August 1, 2024 to avoid interest.  Interest accrues at 1.5% from the due date of July 1st for a total of 18% per year.  Please be aware that if your payment is late the interest rate is 3% from August 2-31st. The minimum interest charge is $2.00 per bill.

As the town navigates the best way to refund/credit some taxpayers for the unanticipated increase in revenue due to the error in assessments; please be aware that any estimation that the taxpayer makes on their own that results in an outstanding amount due will make you liable for the interest on the balance of that account. 


Real Estate tax bills that had the wrong assessment have been updated and revised tax bills have been mailed out.  These new amounts are also available online with the tax bill lookup link above.  These affected tax bills (only) have an extension of time to pay which is August 31, 2024.  All other tax bills need to be paid by August 1, 2024, to avoid interest.

More information : https://www.boltonct.gov/departments/tax-collector


Tree Warden

Pursuant to Public Act 16-86 Section 16-234

(i) Not later than January 31, 2017, and each year thereafter, each utility intending to conduct vegetation management in a town or borough in this state shall provide the following to the tree warden of such town or borough, or to the chief elected official of each such town or borough: (1) A plan detailing the proposed roads or areas in said town or borough where such vegetation management will take place in the forthcoming calendar year, and (2) the estimated time schedule for such proposed vegetation management. Each town or borough provided with a utility vegetation management plan in accordance with this subsection shall make such plan publicly available, by electronic means or otherwise, not later than fourteen days after receipt, and keep such plan publicly available for the remainder of the forthcoming calendar year.
Approved June 1, 2016

Eversource will continue tree trimming in the Town of Bolton through 2024.
For a map of the areas that will be targeted click here.