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Press Release

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Adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen on May 15, 1979
Published on May 19, 1979

Effective Date:  June 4, 1979
Section 1.         On and after the effective date of this Ordinance, no vehicle shall be permitted to remain parked or stationary on any public highway within the Town of Bolton for a period or more than two (2) hours between 12:00 midnight and 6:00 in the morning.


Section 2.         On and after the effective date of this Ordinance, no vehicle shall be permitted to remain parked or stationary on any public highway within the Town of Bolton during and after any period of snow fall, sleet, or icy conditions while said highways are hazardous to traffic.


Section 3.         The parking of vehicles in places and at times when and where parking is prohibited is hereby declared to be a nuisance.


The First Selectman is hereby authorized to create a vehicle pound, or pounds, to which automobiles and other vehicles may be removed by a police officer or constable, or under the direction of a police officer or constable, in the manner hereinafter provided.  Such pound, or pounds, shall be such storage garage or garages, or such other appropriate places as may be designated by the First Selectman.  Before any such garage or place shall be authorized to be a vehicle pound as provided herein, such garage or designated place of storage shall furnish to the First Selectman satisfactory evidence of insurance coverage to protect the Town of Bolton from any claims or damages arising from the towing of any vehicle or while it is impounded.


Whenever any vehicle shall be found parked in a place where parking is not permitted, such vehicle may be removed and conveyed by, or under the direction of, a police officer or constable designated by the First Selectman by means of towing the same, or otherwise, to a vehicle pound.  Before the owner or person in charge of such vehicle shall be permitted to remove the same from such vehicle pound, he shall furnish the First Selectman or such other officer or constable as he shall designate, evidence of his identity, ownership or right of possession, and shall sign a receipt for the same, and he shall pay the costs of removal and storage.


The owner of any impounded vehicle shall be duly informed as to the nature and circumstances of the violation on account of which such vehicle has been impounded.  In case protest is made against the payment of any towing or storage fees, the person in charge of said pound shall mark upon the receipt evidencing payment of the towing and storage fees the words “paid under protest”.  In such case it shall thereupon be the duty of the First Selectman or police officer or constable designated by him having knowledge of the facts to forthwith institute the proper proceedings in the proper court, charging the owner or driver of such vehicle with that violation of the ordinance or traffic regulations on account of which the vehicle was impounded.  In the event the owner or driver of said vehicle is found not guilty of the offense charged he shall be reimbursed the sum so paid under protest, by the Town of Bolton.


It shall be the duty of the First Selectman or police officer or constable, as he shall designate, to keep a record of the names of all owners of vehicles impounded, the numbers of their state license plates, the place where such vehicle was impounded, the nature and circumstances of each violation, and the disposition of each case.


Section 4.         Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof by the court, be subject to a fine not exceeding twenty-five and no/100 ($25.00) dollars for each offense or violation.


Section 5.         If a section, part of section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held unconstitutional or invalid, the remaining provisions hereof shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect.


Section 6.         Upon the effective date of this ordinance, the ordinance entitled Parking of Motor Vehicles adopted February 27, 164 is hereby replaced.