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Effective Wednesday, November 27, 2024, the Town of Bolton has CANCELLED the town-wide burn ban. This decision comes as the current forest fire danger level has been reduced to “low” over the past few days.

Friends of the Library

February 22, 2024
6:30 pm

The Friends of BML met on Monday evening January 22, 2024. The Friends of the Library’s mission is to bring together a group of citizens who actively support the library through advocacy, volunteering and fundraising. The group is looking forward to supporting many new initiatives for the library in the coming year. In February, there will be a suggestion box at the library where patrons can voice their ideas for special purchases or programs that they would like to have at the library sponsored by the Friends. Some of the ideas from the meeting include sponsoring another Scholastic Book Sale, “Friends Picks”-favorite books and movies of the members and revitalizing the award winning “Sweets for Seniors” program.

Currently the Friends sponsor the sale of library book bags, the monthly book and AV sales, refreshments for programs, and the TixKeeper printable museum pass program. Next year, the Friends will sponsor the “Take Your Child to the Library Day” in February 2025. Each month, the group will have an article in the library newsletter called “The Friends Corner”. Please watch for updated information there.  The next meeting of the Friends of the BML will be a Thursday in March , 2024 at 6:30 at the library. Anyone interested in volunteering for this group is invited to attend. Please RSVP to bentley@biblio.org or by calling 860-646-7349.